Shishen Lin 林仕燊

I start my PhD of Computer Science at Birmingham since Sep. 2021. I mainly focus on Artificial Intelligence, Optimisation, Evolutionary Algorithm. I am also intertesded in Reinforcement Learning and evolutionary computation methods on it. Before that, I was a MSc Mathematics student at Imperial College London with a focus on probability theory, Markov processes and random matrix theory. I did my internship of data analysis at Tencent during summer in 2021. I have also completed my BSc Maths degree at Warwick before going to Imperial.

Research Interests

  1. Randomised Algorithms including Evolutionary Algorithms or ohter bio-inspired algorithms

  2. Probability theory and its applications on theoretical analysis on randomised algorihtms

  3. Black-Box Optimisation, Adversarial Optimsation.

  4. Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and their interplay with Evolutionary computation


19 June. 2024: Physically attended Artifical Intelligence Workshop and gave a talk about “Runtime Analysis in AI Theory Studies How Algorithm Iterations are Influenced by Design and Problem Structure” at Tsinghua University, in Beijing, China

31 May. 2024: Our paper with Prof. Per Kristian Lehre has been accepted in PPSN 2024

18 Apr. 2024: Our paper with Prof. Per Kristian Lehre has been accepted in IJCAI 2024

17-18 Apr. 2024: Physically attended workshop on Evolutionary Computation at Nanjing University, in Nanjing, China

18 Mar. 2024: Physically attended Early Career Researchers Connect (ECR Connect) organised by The Alan Turing Institute, in London, UK

Before: ······

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