Is CC-(1+1) EA more efficient than (1+1) EA on either separable or inseparable problems?

Published in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2023

Recommended citation: Per Kristian Lehre, Shishen Lin. (2023). "Is CC-(1+1) EA more efficient than (1+1) EA on either separable or inseparable problems?" IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 8 pages, Chicago, USA, 2023.

Abstract: This paper is about the cooperative co-evolutionary algorithms. This paper investigates cooperative co-evolutionary algorithms (CoEAs) for large-scale optimization problems, focusing on the runtime analysis to understand their behavior. By proving that the basic cooperative co-evolutionary (1+1) EA has an expected optimization time of Θ(n log n) on linear functions, it solves an open conjecture. Empirical analysis on NK-LANDSCAPE and k-MAXSAT problems shows that performance can be optimized by adjusting block length, providing more precise runtime bounds and insights on more complicated inseparable problems.